“ The Stark Reality Of Prison’’ By: Antwan Carter
Prison is the opposite of what a lot of people in society think. In theory when you lock someone up for a crime, its to ensure the public’s safety. Creating a sense of security in the public’s mind. This is why we have a large group of pro supporters for laws that are tougher on crime. Following this logic what would be the next step? Most would think it is to bring about rehabilitation through programs, mental health services and education. Therefore when a prisoner is released he has the values, resources and knows how to become a productive member of society. Making sure we move forward and not backwards. However what do you do when the second step is never met? How does society become better off when these people you sentence for crimes come out worse than when they went in??? What is the cause of this?
Let me tell you what happens as I speak from 15 years and 9 months of experience in prison. When you come into prison you are exposed to three things immediately. Isolation, Vulnerability and Punishment. To put this in a more detailed perspective let’s examine what Nelson Mandela said “ Prison is designed to break everyone’s spirit and to destroy ones resolve. To do this authorities attempt to exploit every weakness, demolish every initiative, negate all signs of individuality. All with the idea of stomping out that spark that makes each of us humans, and each of us who we are “. If this is true prisons and county jails has developed a system that operates off of Behavior Modification and Behavior Learning. Which has been established over several hundred years ago to assert their dominance. Author Michel Foucault wrote a book called “ Discipline and Punishment: The Birth Of Prison “. Which proves my point.
Think about it when you first enter inside prison/jail they strip away your individuality by taking away your personal clothes. Replacing them with a prison uniform and an ID to use to identify who you are. Once that is established they observe you by taking note of your appearance. Looking for any tattoos that may suggest gang activity, using your criminal history, background information and whatever else they can glean from what you do while housed in their facility. After that is accomplished the administration uses the correctional officers are present in the room. Listening to every detail about your medical concerns. When you ask them to step out of the room, they refuse stating that there for security reasons. You look at the nurse to do something but she sits there quite. Violating the Hippocratic Oath ( Doctor/Patient Privilege ). If you are a prisoner who is informed with your rights and continue to press the issue. You become a target, and word gets passed along between all correctional officers, nurses and mental health. Becoming classified as a trouble maker and punishment finds you. Another way how they condition you to comply is by sending mental health workers to you. A female who is relatively attractive posing as someone who cares and wants to help. They ask you what is going on, and when you disclose to them your issues. Along with the harassment you are receiving, it miraculously makes it back to the correctional officers. I know many would find this hard to believe but its the truth. The nurses and mental health workers are targeted by the correctional officers also. Coerced through fear and ostracism to comply with their agenda. So in order to be left alone they befriend them, and adopt their way of thinking. Just so they don't have to fight the machine and potentially lose their job. Often times developing sexual relationships so professionalism and objectivity goes out the window.
There is so much more to tell, anyone wanting to know more my new book “ Diary Of A Prisoner “ is soon to be published.
Antwan Carter is a published author of three books. “ Cartier’s Rose “, “ The Story Of A Thousand Petals “ and “ Sacred Lotus “